Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 12 - Summary of Blog Posts

Unfortunately, I missed the directions that were given in the first week about having a theme for my blog.  I posted about a variety of information security articles, but I did notice that I wrote more about encryption and privacy throughout my blog.
I find encryption to be a very interesting topic because of the controversy and attention it has gotten lately.  There are those who believe that encryption is a bad idea as it gives terrorists a way of communicating with each other to plan attacks.  It also allows for the existence of the Dark Web (TOR).  Most recently, the Government is attempting to mandate phone companies to create a backdoor to their encrypted devices to allow them to conduct investigations.  On the other hand, others believe encryption is essential to our right to Internet privacy.  They also believe that a backdoor to encryption also creates another doorway or vulnerability for hackers to break into the device.  I'm personally for encryption because I believe in Internet privacy as well as keeping our devices as secure as possible to protect ourselves from hackers.  Terrorists and criminals will always find a way around these obstacles so why put everyone's devices at risk?
I think this blog assignment was a great way for us to write about a topic related to information security that interests us.  It allowed us to learn more about the topic and formulate our own opinion.  As I searched for articles to post about, I came across many other info sec articles that caught my attention and found myself reading about various topics.  I felt like I was in the loop with current events going on in the info sec world.